Comparison of Two Products (X or Y) It is common to compare products face to face when they have similar characteristics or meet the same need. The objective, with this type of article, is to help readers make their choice according to their profile, their budget and their expectations. When you write a comparative article, do not hesitate, as a professional, to give your opinion and your opinion on the products, and to tell your readers the choice that you would have made in their place. It is very important to remain objective and to be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of both sides. I invite you to conclude your comparative article as follows: “Product X is particularly suitable if” and “Product Y is particularly suitable if.
An example ? here it is: ERP or CRM: Comparison and Differences . Alternative to a Product Creating “product alternative” content for your blog is an opportunity to present some of your whatsapp mobile number list products or others. For example, if you offer multimedia products, you can write an article such as: "the best alternatives to Audacity" and for each alternative, you can then explain how they meet the same needs as Audacity. A concrete example: Alternatives to Grammarly in French . of French people consult customer reviews before buying a product? Testimonials and ratings are also always very important for consumers.
A “Product Review” article both reports on your expertise while directing your eager readership to your wise advice. Here is an example of this type of article: LearnyBox Review: Is It Worth It? . Podcast The podcast is the trending format in . of French people listen to podcasts and of French people who have never listened to podcasts plan to start! Offering a podcast on your blog is a great way to diversify the form of your content and meet this new user demand: the audio format.