online advertising spending has grown more Industry Mailing List than 13% each year since 2003, rising from a $7.3 billion industry in 2003 to a projected $36.5 billion industry in 2011. Automotive dealerships and retailers, which tend to rely on more traditional forms of marketing Industry Mailing List and advertising, have begun to shift their advertising dollars into the digital realm as well. But are internet marketing strategies really more effective than traditional marketing, such as Industry Mailing List direct mail, for auto dealers?
To be sure, online marketing strategies Industry Mailing List such as PPC advertising, social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are becoming more popular, but is this due to simple popularity trends or is it because traditional advertising simply doesn't work Industry Mailing List anymore? After all, just because consumers spend more time online today doesn't mean they don't continue to receive snail mail or watch television. While there are no clear answers, recent statistics and direct mail marketing response rates in the automotive retail industry Industry Mailing List shed some light. According to the
Direct Marketing Association, in 2007 Industry Mailing List auto retailers averaged a $33.81 ROI for every dollar spent on direct marketing - a healthy margin. A 2010 study by the DMA showed that various types of snail mail averaged the lowest overall cost per lead - lower costs than Industry Mailing List those reported for digital advertising. Direct mail catalogs showed the lowest overall cost per lead or order, at $47.61, followed closely by direct mail inserts at $47.69 and mailed postcards at $75.32. The same study showed that direct mail letter-sized Industry Mailing List envelopes had a response rate of 1.38% when sent to prospect lists,